Koroni | Κορώνη ... a romantic fishing villagedeutsch english   

I have an uncle in Koroni | έχω µπάρµπα στην Κορώνη

Ich hab einen Onkel in Koroni | έχω µπάρµπα στην ΚορώνηThis expression, which is well-known allover Greece, is used as a testimony of the means that someone has to achieve his aim. There are many versions that stand for its explanation.

Among others, there is one version, which goes back in time into the period of the Turkish conquest of Greece when a Pasha, established in Tripoli, as a token of his gratitude to an uncle of his that supported him in his studies and then appointed him as Bey of Koroni. This 'uncle', a benign man, in consideration of his wish to help the people of Koroni, whenever they asked him a favor was issuing letters of recommendation addressed to the pasha of Tripoli and all their matters were settled accordingly.

Reference: ARAK ADV. Koroni, Lady of the South - Summer Guide

24004 Koroni  •  Messinias  •  Greece
